Wednesday, June 24, 2020

4 Popular Types Of Roofing Materials In Dublin

Once upon a time, clay, concrete or asphalt shingles were widely used for roofing. Nowadays, different types of roofing materials offer a diverse range of alternatives. Roofs are strong and they protect the house from heavy rain, winds, storms & heat.

Here are 4 advanced types of roofing options that you should consider for the next roofing job.


1.Fibreglass roofs

FRP flat panel is a high strength & new resin composite glass fibre. The surface is mainly filled with a gel coat. The coating thickness of this fibre generally lies between 1.00mm to 10mm. However, a special thickness of fibreglass can also be customised. Fibreglass roofing services are in great demand in Dublin.

It has a number of advantages.

i.Fire & weather resistant: High-quality fibreglass is resistant to fire. It is also highly weather resistant. It protects the property from rainfall, wind, storm, etc.

ii.Easy to Install: The fibreglass is light in weight & easier for roofing experts to work with. Due to its lightweight, fibreglass can be easily installed.

iii.Eco-friendly roofing: Fibreglass roof is better for the environment. Fibreglass contains less asphalt & its base can also be recycled.

2.Green roofs 

A green roof is another common type of eco-friendly roof. It is generally covered with different kinds of plants. Green roofs insulate rooms, minimize water runoff & enhance the air quality. They add an extra layer of beauty to the house. However, green roofs need additional a vapour barrier, waterproofing, water filtration, waterproofing, drainage, soil, thermal insulation & structural support. The average lifespan of this roof is approx 40 years. Green roofs require basic maintenance.

3.Slate roofs

Slate is a foliated, homogeneous metamorphic & fine-grained rock mainly derived from a sedimentary rock (shale type). Slate is considered as finest grained metamorphic rock widely used in roofing. Slate roofs may last a longer period of time. They withstand heavy snow, rain & winds. Slate roofs are waterproof & they won't burn. They offer a classic & timeless finish. However, slate roofs have some disadvantages. They are heavy in weight & breakable also. Apart from that, as compared to fibreglass roofs, slate roofs are very expensive.

4.Metal roofs

Last but not the least, metal roofs generally come in vertical shingles or panels resembling shake, tile & slate. Metal roofs are generally characterised by their impermeability, high strength and longevity. They can last up to 60 years. Metal roofs will not burn & they can resist heavy winds and rain. They offer a solid metallic finish. However, metal roofs are costly.

Unfortunately, roofing is a long-term investment. So, as the homeowner, you should consider the right roofing material within the budget. Contact the professional roofing contractors in Dublin.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Know The Different Types Of Roofing Services In Dublin

Roofing is a crucial part of any housing. If you don't pay attention in roofing or it's not done properly then it will cause leakage or damage in your house. So we advise you to take professional help.

Whether you are having a new office or house, roofing should be the first priority as roofers are just a call away from you. You definitely need trustworthy and friendly roofers from your home roofing services in Dublin. Hire experienced and skilled roofers for executing the job efficiently.

If you're from Dublin, you can easily get roofers available there. Go for affordable yet best-experienced roofing services as sometimes you need roofing as per the choice of colours styles etc.

These are some different types of roofing services in Dublin which you can go for as per your need.

1.Domestic Roofing

A good Roofing service provider should complete a good amount of projects within a year. Roofing will increase your old roof’s value and strength. Besides increasing the property value, a good roofer will definitely provide you with the peace of mind after the work has done.

2.Commercial Roofing

If you are facing trouble with roofing in your office, then contact roofers of Expert Roofing and we will fix your problem quickly and easily at affordable prices so you can keep up your business. We will provide our services so nicely that your work won’t get affected and roofing will be done without any hassle simply and effectively. The roofers will design their working schedule as per your needs.

3.Fiberglass Roofing

This kind of roofing is actually maintenance-free and provides you long term guarantee. This will ensure that the roof will hold standing water and is watertight. This roofing process is actually a coating of fibreglass over the base coat. Then it will fully embed the system for making it seamless.


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Why Roofing Contractors Are Your Best Bet for Your House

When remodelling or repairing your house, giving attention to a roof is equally important. While many forgo the importance of a roofer, it is important to hire or least consult them to construct a safe and durable roof.

The roof is considered as the first line of defence against all the harsh weather conditions. Roofing contractors have the required skill and experience to manage any kind of roof construction and repair. Their expertise will not just aid you but ensure that the roof on your head is sturdy, sustainable and beautifully suited to your home.

Often to save cost or just to explore their skill, homeowners tend to skip the step of hiring a roofing contractor while working on their roof. They prefer the path of DIY. This might lead to many complications, some immediate and some arises with the passage of time.

Correct Materials

A roofer knows how to balance the aesthetic and practicality of the materials used for roofs. They know and understand the pros and cons of all available material and also know the ways to circumvent the cons. The choice of material will majorly depend on your home and your budget.

Quality of Work

A roofer hires a team of experts to work under him. The team takes precise instructions from the roofer before starting off the work. The whole combination ensures that your work is done to perfection so that it looks beautiful today and stands the test of time.


Safety literally comes first when it comes to construction. An expert and the experienced roofing contractor will always ensure that all material used, the process used and construction follows all the required safety norms.


Many homeowners have budget constraints and thus they try to skip over hiring a roofer. However, the factual figures would reveal a different story. Your handy work will only take you so far, whereas the contractors ensure that the roof is sturdy and safe. 

On the other hand, the contractors know there material and how to source them at a bargain price. You actually might end up spending more on materials and other stuff.

It is important to understand that roof is the first line of defence against natural calamities and hence one needs to take the help of a professional rather than considering the DIY technique.  For a job that is both good and safe, a roofer is surely your best bet.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

How to Ensure a Safe Stay After Long Winter?

A house without a well-conditioned roof is really out of imagination. Once the winter season gets over, it is recommended to opt for a professional roof-checkup. During winter as you know, snow along with ice and thaw gets accumulated on the roof surface. If left unattended, it may lead towards leakage one rain starts.

Service Shingles of Roof by Experts

Why take unnecessary risks?

Getting your roof system serviced by expert professionals will not only enhance the life of the roof but also prevents early damage to the house. It is a fact that older roofs are highly vulnerable to get damaged. As shingles are already in a dilapidated condition, it is better to get them serviced by professional roof repairs Dublin.

A little bit of carelessness may lead towards causing damage to the entire property. Roof repairs have become an indispensable part of our lives. It is true that shingles are among highly brittle items that get easily damaged in winter. Strong winds may easily affect the entire roof at the worst.

Flashing Repairs are of High Importance

Flashing repairs are of equal importance. Repair work carried out by the hands of well-known professionals will definitely provide a new life. Too much exposure to sealants as well as nails may lead towards falling of roof parts apart from each other. Finally, it leads towards the creation of gaps that may lead to high leakage.

It will start from your walls and will slowly affect your entire property at the worst. Some extremely dangerous areas that get affected include areas all around skylights and chimneys. They fall in the category of crucial roof repair that requires immediate attention. A professional roof repairing company will definitely surprise you with best results.

Why is it Better to Go through References?

As you will be investing your hard-earned money to get your roof repaired, it is advisable to shake hand with a reliable and respectable company dealing with roof repairs Dublin. It is better to go through recent references to make your move an effective one. It will not only render the best service but also cut additional costs if any.

Prior to to starting the operation, professionals involved will carry on an in-depth survey of the roof. It will help them to determine the level of damage that has taken place. You may expect to get the best return against your investment by shaking hands with a well-known roof repair company.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How To Secure Roof From Wind Damage?

If your roof undergoes heavy wind damage, then you must make your roof analysed by experts. Here, only a skilled and experienced inspector can assess which portion of the roof is intact and which portion needs restoration. You will not like to pay for the unnecessary roof repairs, at the same time you will not like any damaged roof areas escape detection.

Types Of Roof Damage

Homeowners generally experience two kinds of roof damage, acute damage and incremental damage. Acute damage occurs when tree branches fall on the roof due to high windstorms. Thus acute damage causes direct damage to shingles. Incremental damages occur when the rapid windstorms weaken the bonds between the shingles. Weak shingles get wear and tear and finally get loosened up from the roof. 

Prevent Wind Damage

You need to consider two things to enhance the roof performance, first, you will have to select a quality, wind-resistant roof components and the second one is to choose a professional roofing contractor who will install the roof for you.

Quality Roofing Materials

You must keep in mind that the architectural shingles are much heavier and are wind-resistant compared to the traditional 3-tab shingles. So, it is better to use architectural shingles for reconstructing your roof. They have been engineered in such a way that they can withstand bitter cold and do not break in high winds and blizzards. They must withhold the summer heatwaves. High-quality adhesive helps to maintain a strong bond between shingles in extreme heat and extreme cold condition. Only high-quality adhesive strips and proper nailing can secure a well-engineered asphalt shingle.

Hire Professional Roofing Contractor

Always hire qualified and experienced roofing contractors, they know how to install a roof system that will maximize roof performance. Only an experienced contractor knows to fasten shingles to the roof deck in the most effective way. Nails must be attached along the nailing strip on every shingle. Six-nail installations are far better than four-nail installations in resisting windstorms. Experts must set the nail guns at the right pressure to successfully drive nails through the shingles.

Understand Warranty Coverages

In general, professional roofing contractors’ warranties pertain to shingles only. However, you do need total protection. Total protection covers ice barriers, flashing, underpayment and all other components of the roofing system. Check whether your roofing contractor is ready to give you total protection, then only go for that contractor. 

If your roof gets damaged by high winds and you require professional help, seek help from the roof repair service. You can find many roof repair services in Dublin, pick the one which suits your needs.