Wednesday, June 24, 2020

4 Popular Types Of Roofing Materials In Dublin

Once upon a time, clay, concrete or asphalt shingles were widely used for roofing. Nowadays, different types of roofing materials offer a diverse range of alternatives. Roofs are strong and they protect the house from heavy rain, winds, storms & heat.

Here are 4 advanced types of roofing options that you should consider for the next roofing job.


1.Fibreglass roofs

FRP flat panel is a high strength & new resin composite glass fibre. The surface is mainly filled with a gel coat. The coating thickness of this fibre generally lies between 1.00mm to 10mm. However, a special thickness of fibreglass can also be customised. Fibreglass roofing services are in great demand in Dublin.

It has a number of advantages.

i.Fire & weather resistant: High-quality fibreglass is resistant to fire. It is also highly weather resistant. It protects the property from rainfall, wind, storm, etc.

ii.Easy to Install: The fibreglass is light in weight & easier for roofing experts to work with. Due to its lightweight, fibreglass can be easily installed.

iii.Eco-friendly roofing: Fibreglass roof is better for the environment. Fibreglass contains less asphalt & its base can also be recycled.

2.Green roofs 

A green roof is another common type of eco-friendly roof. It is generally covered with different kinds of plants. Green roofs insulate rooms, minimize water runoff & enhance the air quality. They add an extra layer of beauty to the house. However, green roofs need additional a vapour barrier, waterproofing, water filtration, waterproofing, drainage, soil, thermal insulation & structural support. The average lifespan of this roof is approx 40 years. Green roofs require basic maintenance.

3.Slate roofs

Slate is a foliated, homogeneous metamorphic & fine-grained rock mainly derived from a sedimentary rock (shale type). Slate is considered as finest grained metamorphic rock widely used in roofing. Slate roofs may last a longer period of time. They withstand heavy snow, rain & winds. Slate roofs are waterproof & they won't burn. They offer a classic & timeless finish. However, slate roofs have some disadvantages. They are heavy in weight & breakable also. Apart from that, as compared to fibreglass roofs, slate roofs are very expensive.

4.Metal roofs

Last but not the least, metal roofs generally come in vertical shingles or panels resembling shake, tile & slate. Metal roofs are generally characterised by their impermeability, high strength and longevity. They can last up to 60 years. Metal roofs will not burn & they can resist heavy winds and rain. They offer a solid metallic finish. However, metal roofs are costly.

Unfortunately, roofing is a long-term investment. So, as the homeowner, you should consider the right roofing material within the budget. Contact the professional roofing contractors in Dublin.

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